A devastating stampede occurred on Saturday morning at Okija community in Anambra state, resulting in an unconfirmed number of fatalities. Persecondnews gathered that...
“Police said they have launched an aggressive manhunt for the kidnappers who carried out the dastardly act” In spite of his fetish to...
Unabating Anambra floods have claimed no fewer than 76 lives with scores of people still missing, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has...
Barely two days after a lawmaker was beheaded, another horrendous incident has occurred in Anambra State with the killing of seven persons including...
A lawmaker in the Anambra State House of Assembly, Okechukwu Okoye, who was kidnapped last week, has been beheaded by some unknown gunmen....
A young man, who allegedly tangled with a security guard for refusing his sister entry into a market for not...