In a thrilling turn of events during the fourth round, Nigerian street-pop sensation, Habeeb Badmus, known as Portable, emerged triumphant in the celebrity...
Actor-turned-politician, and his wife, are in an atmosphere of conviviality as they joyously commemorate two decades of marital bliss with a heartfelt vow...
In a candid revelation, renowned actress, Ini Edo, has hinted about the qualities of a man that would capture her heart, emphasising kindness...
In a shocking incident that has sent shock waves to Yoruba section of Nollywood, actor Azeez Ijaduade, was allegedly shot in the neck...
Vin Diesel, known for his role in the Fast & Furious Series, is facing allegations of sexual assault from his former personal assistant,...
In a harrowing incident, actress and movie producer, Mercy Aigbe, narrowly escaped a potentially fatal auto accident along the Lagos-Benin Expressway on Saturday...
Amid Nigeria’s challenging economic downturn, renowned comedian, Ayo Makun, popularly known as AY, has candidly expressed his reluctance to entertain financial requests from...
Heavyweight boxer, Anthony Joshua, is revving to extend his 2023 comeback as he faces Swedish heavyweight Otto Wallin in what has been described...
Celebrating their second year wedding anniversary, Nollywood actor, Lateef Adedimeji, has expressed gratitude for his wife, Mo Bimpe’s love and affection. Sharing a...
Nigerian music sensation, Ayo Balogun, widely known as Wizkid, has stirred concerns among fans and followers due to his seemingly challenging times. In...
Nigerian music star, Davido, has taken to the social media to chronicle the extraordinary events that defined his life and career in 2023....
One of the two stolen jewellery belonging to popular artiste, Mayorkun, has been successfully recovered and returned to him at the Grand Hotel,...
Nigerian music sensation, Mayorkun,vis livid and frustrated after he reportedly lost a precious, undisclosed item during his performance in Calabar, the capital of...
Singer Harrysong has voiced his concerns regarding the purported denial by Kcee, co-founder of Five Star Music, to release royalties for several of...
Barely 24 hours after the alleged kidnapping of an Abuja-based musician and crew members, fear has enveloped the Nigerian’s music community. Gunmen reportedly...