Basketmouth, the acclaimed Nigerian comedian, disclosed the reasons behind his involvement in the 2022 Nollywood movie ‘Brotherhood,’ citing a curiosity to explore his...
In a surprising turn of events, renowned comedian Bright Okpocha, popularly known as Basketmouth, has taken a giant step towards in mending fences...
Stand-up comedian, Oghenekowhoyan Onaibe Desmond, popularly known as Destalker, has accused senior colleagues, Basketmouth and Gordons, of being against his growth in the...
Weeks after being called out by his colleague, Ayo Makun, also known as AY over their long-time beef, Basketmouth, has finally broken his...
Comedian, Ayo Makun, popularly called AY Comedian, has opened up about his long-time beef with his colleague, Basket Mouth, saying he has tried...
The wave of marriage crash rocking the Nigerian entertainment scene has hit the home of popular Nigerian comedian, Bright Okpocha a.k.a Basketmouth, as...