With the triumphant return of “Anikulapo” in its grandest form yet, titled “Rise of the Spectre,” veteran actor Taiwo Hassan, popularly known as...
Nigerian music star, Ayo Balogun, widely known as Wizkid, has set tongues wagging as he hinted of a possible foray into Nollywood during...
Renowned movie producer and director, Kunle Afolayan, has made a bold statement, asserting that he has surpassed the achievements of his father in...
Some prominent Nigerian actors and movie producers including actor, Richard Mofe-Damijo (RMD) filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan, film writer, Shola Dada and others have expressed...
By David Adebayo Following the September announcement by the Nigerian Oscar Selection Committee (NOSC) of the Oscar Awards that no film qualified for...