In a heartwarming celebration of love and resilience, Nigerian rapper, Eedris Abdulkareem, and his wife, Yetunde, marked their 19th wedding anniversary. The veteran...
The lingering political crisis in Rivers State took a new dramatic turn on Monday with 27 members of the 32-member Rivers State House...
John Dewey, an American philosopher of the 20th century, argued that “we do not learn from experience … we learn from reflecting on...
“The on-going impasse in Ondo State can be likened to what happened when Yar’Adua, was very ill, and did not transmit a letter...
In demonstration of their grief over the accidental bombing by the military of a community in Kaduna on December 2, all the nation’s...
The Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a public affairs and strategic communication firm, the...
Unreported currency worth $68,000 was confiscated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents from a Nigerian family en route to Washington Dulles International...
In what is perceived as repulsive act of bestiality, a sex-starved pervert, who raped a chicken at Viniklang in Girei council area of...
The Federal Government says it will compensate families and victims of the December 3 bombing at Tudun Biri village, Kaduna State. The military...
The Nigeria Union South Africa (NUSA) is launching out towards empowering its women, providing education and legal support for members in need. The...