Transition to glory.
Like a butterfly gracing a garden, adding colour and spreading joy with its flutters… our dear sister and friend, Omobolanle Akintoye-Akerele (nee Odutola) has flown away unto glory.
Bubble as she’s fondly called, will begin her journey to eternal rest as she’ll be committed to mother-earth tomorrow, Thursday, August 13, 2020 by 10 am.

Our vivacious, big-hearted, Bubble died on August 10, 2020 after a brief illness.
Born on the 5th of October, 1972… she would have clocked 48 this year.

She is survived by her 2 adorable kids, Timi and Daniel, her husband and family members.
No doubt, she will be missed dearly.
Bolanle meant a lot to so many people in different ways… confidante, pillar, business associate, adviser, galvanizer and more.

She was a very active member on the ‘Uniting Unilorin and Friends Forum’.
We pray for the repose of her humble and bubbly soul.
May she find rest, till the day of her resurrection.
Abiola Olatunde-Aloba and Olaedo Mbiwe for the forum

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