

Botswana, a landlocked country in southern Africa, is often overlooked by travelers and enthusiasts alike. However, this diamond-rich nation is a treasure trove...

“Ditch the Sticks: A Guy’s Guide to Quitting Smoking (Without Losing Your Mind)”

Fellas! So, you’re trying to quit smoking? Well, congrats on taking the first step towards becoming a non-smoking boss! It’s not gonna be...


As I watch my brother, friends, and loved ones navigate life’s ups and downs, I’ve come to realize that resilience is a superpower...

Unleash the Creativity Within! [PRT 2]

So here I am with more ideas of DIY crafts for you and your little champions, to help them keep sharpening their inner...

Career Advancement Tips for Men

The truth that most career people avoid accepting is that advancing in your career takes dedication, hard work, diligence, and a strategic approach....

Rihanna: The new face of Dior’s J’adore fragrance

By Shine Alagba Rihanna has been busy since the official launch of her new hair care line, Fenty Hair, on June 12th. Rihanna...

Mental Health Care Awareness in Nigeria

by Shine Alagba Nigerians face mental stress due to economic challenges like unemployment and inflation, political instability and violence, and limited access to...

Holiday glow-up, inside and out! Four Powerful Tips

Holiday vibes and Sallah greetings to our Muslim friends! Wishing you a blessed Eid-al-Adha, filled with joy, love, and all the good things...

Unleashing the creativity within with your kids

I was so tired of hearing “I’m bored!” from my mini-me’s? Then, I thought to encourage their inner artist and watch them blossom...

Reading to your Kids: rediscovering the hidden treasures within

You know? As African parents, we overlook lots of things that could be very beneficial to our kids due to one or two...


I was so tired of hearing “I’m bored!” from my mini-me’s? Then, I thought to encourage their inner artist and watch them blossom...

Discover the Hidden Gems of West Africa: Fun and educating facts about Mauritania

– Name Origin: The name, Mauritania originates from the ancient Berber kingdom of Mauritania, which derives from Mauri (meaning Moors), the Berber-speaking people...

From Self-Doubt to Self-Belief: Let’s Help You Build an Unshakable Confidence Part 2

“The Weight of Comparison: Overcoming Emotional Instability in the Face of Societal Pressure” Like I told you on the previous article that “YOU...

From Self-Doubt to Self-Belief: Lets help you build an unshakable confidence

Hey there, friend! Let’s talk about something that I think we all struggle with at some point or another: self-doubt. You know, that...

Discover the Hidden Gems of West Africa: Fun Facts about Cape Verde

Tucked away in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of West Africa, lies a tropical paradise waiting to be explored. With its stunning...

DIY Delights: Easy Crafts and Projects for a Personal Touch

I met Sarah, a busy working mom of two who discovered the joy of crafting during a particularly stressful period in her life....