By Oge Funlola Modie
There are quite a number of things in life that seem not to matter until they’re lost. One of such is joy. We know that the eternal things, the priceless things of life are not tangible, and thus are unequalled to the tangible, this is why money may buy you luxury but can’t guarantee joy, just as it can buy a good bed but not a good sleep.
Our text is taken is from Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Joy is a fruit of the spirit and does not rely on the physical environment or the realities of what life throws in our face, it is grown in the Spirit and accessible to the spiritual man in Christ. Thus, it is irreplaceable, incomparable, intangible yet so free!
Being a fruit means a seed has to be sown. The incorruptible seed of Christ is sown in us once we accept him as our personal lord and savior. As we tarry in the presence of the Father, we receive Joy. The word of God says that in the presence of God is the fullness of Joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. Being fruitful in Joy requires a staying in God’s presence. Joy is a strength builder during trails and tough times.
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is key to our bearing fruits of the Spirit and staying victorious daily. Joy’s fruitfulness promotes a life of thanksgiving and gratitude. Being joyful takes you beyond the bane of just surviving to thriving. God being omniscient- (all knowing) has wisely hidden these precious things in our spirit Eph 1:3, where it is untouchable by the enemy.
Joy also promotes good health and right thinking. Joy sees through the tears and heartbreak and knows God is for her. Joy exhibits strength in the face of opposition and war. Joy is a fruit that is critical to our spiritual growth and kingdom advancement.
Today, tarry in His presence, receive Joy incontrollable and Joy immeasurable- it’s a tool to healthy living and spiritual advancement.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I desire to tarry in your presence all the days of my life to drink of you and receive Joy immeasurable. To be strengthened by Your Joy. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen
Charge for the week: Choose today to be Joyful in spite of all things. Be led by the Holy Spirit, only through Him can we bear the fruit of Joy daily.

There are quite a number of things in life that seem not to matter until they’re lost. One of such is joy. We know that the eternal things, the priceless things of life are not tangible, and thus are unequalled to the tangible, this is why money may buy you luxury but can’t guarantee joy, just as it can buy a good bed but not a good sleep.
Our text is taken is from Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Joy is a fruit of the spirit and does not rely on the physical environment or the realities of what life throws in our face, it is grown in the Spirit and accessible to the spiritual man in Christ. Thus, it is irreplaceable, incomparable, intangible yet so free!
Being a fruit means a seed has to be sown. The incorruptible seed of Christ is sown in us once we accept him as our personal lord and savior. As we tarry in the presence of the Father, we receive Joy. The word of God says that in the presence of God is the fullness of Joy and at His right hand are pleasures evermore. Being fruitful in Joy requires a staying in God’s presence. Joy is a strength builder during trails and tough times.
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is key to our bearing fruits of the Spirit and staying victorious daily. Joy’s fruitfulness promotes a life of thanksgiving and gratitude. Being joyful takes you beyond the bane of just surviving to thriving. God being omniscient- (all knowing) has wisely hidden these precious things in our spirit Eph 1:3, where it is untouchable by the enemy.
Joy also promotes good health and right thinking. Joy sees through the tears and heartbreak and knows God is for her. Joy exhibits strength in the face of opposition and war. Joy is a fruit that is critical to our spiritual growth and kingdom advancement.
Today, tarry in His presence, receive Joy incontrollable and Joy immeasurable- it’s a tool to healthy living and spiritual advancement.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I desire to tarry in your presence all the days of my life to drink of you and receive Joy immeasurable. To be strengthened by Your Joy. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen
Charge for the week: Choose today to be Joyful in spite of all things. Be led by the Holy Spirit, only through Him can we bear the fruit of Joy daily.
Peace and Love
Oge Funlola Modie
Jesus Girl
Oge is the Chief of Staff to the Honourable Minister of State, Petroleum Resources and Coordinator of the Ministry of Petroleum Resources’ Project Management Office.
She is a prolific writer with a weekly devotional called WellSpring of Life
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